Friday, December 25, 2009

Winter time!

Etot den' bil odnim iz samih snejnih v moej jizni!!! How much fun we had!!!! UUUUHHH!!!!
It was a white Christmas!!!

No komu-to bilo neochen' veselo!!! (Christian was mad at the snow because it was too snowy, windy and tooooo cold for him. So he enjoyed watching us from the house with Rosemary!)
Darlene i ya lejali v snegu i prosto naslajdalis' etim zamechatel'nim dnem!!!! (Darlene and me had a lot of fun just laying in the snow!)
Potom ya reshila zakopat' Darlene v snegu))) HA-HA!! (Than I decided to dig Darlene into snow! HA-HA It was soo much fun!-FOR ME!)
OOOO Vot i on!!! Snejniy narad ot Meta!! Ha!! Daje sapogi bili ego- 46 razmera!!! (Here comes an outfit by Matt Weir -HAUTE COUTURE !! Even shoes! You have to know his size is 14!!! I felt like I was wearing skis!!!!)
Darlene!!! etot chelovek zastavlayet menya ulibat'sya i verit' v chudesa!!! LEJAT' V SNEGU-besplatno i k tomu je ocen' veselo!!! (Darlene!!!! A person who makes me to believe in magic! Laying in the snow- is Free and a lot of FUN!)
Edim s gori!!!! (Sliding down the hill!!! UUUHH!!)
Kto-to rastroen! NET NET! Ne podumayte, chto on ne lubit ulibat'sya!! Christian ocen' lubit smeyat'sya!! No etot sneg v lico svodit ego s uma!! HAHA! (Someone is mad again!! He loves to smile and laugh but THIS SNOW!!!! It comes just into his face!!!)
Nashestvie Ninzi!!!! Mat vigladil tocno kak geroy iz boevika!!!
(Here comes Ninja!! He looked like a hero from the movie!)
Tol'ko posmotrite!! ETA ULIBKA!! Kakaya devchonka ustoit pered takoy ulibkoy!! (Look!! Just look at this beautiful and happy Smile! )
George, Matt i Caleb katatsya s gori!! VESELO, BISTRO I NEZABIVAEMO!!( George, Matt and Caleb are so happy to slide down the hill! FUN, FAST AND UNFORGETTABLE!!)
Moi vtorie roditeli! ( My second parentes!)
Darlene:"Horosho Christian! Ya otnesu tebya domoy! Kak je etot rebenok lubit teplo i komfotr"-skazala Darlene, slushya rev Christiana!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Агния, тебе так идёт этот наряд!!)))